New book, Coming Soon!


Hey, friends! I’ve been working on something for a while and I’m so excited to share it with you all.

My new book, This is Me! is coming soon. It’s a journal that I hope will help my readers reflect on the past, appreciate present moments and be inspired for the future. I’m doubly excited because it’s a new genre for me and I can’t wait to hear what you think.

In a few days, I’ll begin to share more about the book, my publishing process (phew!), my personal stories, thoughts on the power of reflection and many more. If you’d like to follow the journey or just stay connected for updates on preorders, giveaways and more, please check out my book page at Hit the ‘Get Notified’ button to follow my publishing journey and let’s get the party started!

Click HERE to learn more and follow the journey.

See you on the other side! 

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