The only thing I learned in 2015!


The Only thing I leanred in 2015!1


So maybe it’s not the only thing but it sure is the biggest and most important lesson I garnered last year.

Whatever does not kill you will make you stronger, only if you let it.

You see, I always thought I knew what it meant to go through the storm or face adversity. Turns out I had no idea. 2015 was the most challenging year of my life, and I mean that in every sense of the word. I have never failed so many times and so embarrassingly. I have never felt more alone and fearful for my sanity. I have never been more confused and utterly clueless about my future. I have never experienced such debilitating fear.

Yet the year that was meant to break me ended up making me. It ended up being the year of my most fulfilling accomplishments yet, and it has only just begun. Failure no longer fazes me as much as it once did. I’ve been there, done that and the only way is up.

If I had one advice for you as you start the New Year, it will be to look for the next right step to take no matter how life turns out.

It might sound mundane but I believe it is the most profound thing we can do. When you face difficult situations don’t ask ‘why me?’ Ask ‘what next?’ How can I make this better and find purpose in this pain?

I have never been surer of passion and purpose as I am in this moment. I learned that until I get up and decide that my life must and will count for something, the journey to my destiny has not begun.

Be encouraged, friend; what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger if you let it.

Stay positive, find your inner strength and whatever you do decide to make your life count, and it will.

God bless you and show you the way.

Have a fulfilling 2016!

Happy New Year!


2016 remi roy




Before you go:

Dear Bible People store is now! Find unique cards, prints and t-shirts at great prices.

My books  ‘From the Sidelines’ and ‘Ms. Unlikely are both available on amazon.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and you can get in touch at


6 thoughts on “The only thing I learned in 2015!”

  1. Thank you for sharing!!! 2015 was a tough one for me and I thought I wouldn’t get through.. but I did and I am stronger and better for it.
    So yes whatever doesn’t kill you Makes you stronger only if you let it..
    Happy new year..
    PS: I bought your book MsUnlikely, can’t wait to start reading it.. xx

    1. Thanks Tobi!
      I thought I wouldn’t make it too but I did.
      The only way for us is up!
      Have an amazing year.

      And thanks for the support! I hope you enjoy the book. 🙂

  2. Happy New Year!

    Indeed “what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger if you let it”. I plan to set the Lord always ahead of me in everything and trust him to sort out my life.

    I’m glad I found you in 2015 via Instagram. I look forward to reading more from you in 2016.

    Love you, Sis!

    1. Hey dear! I’m so glad to have met you too. Thanks for the encouragement.
      I’m certain you will do great things in 2016!


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