Avoid the comparison game! | Episode 5

Do you ever feel like life has somehow left you behind? Everyone seems to be having fun without you. Everyone is successful, with high paying jobs, married, with children and you’re just…well, surviving? This week on the podcast, I talk about 3 keys steps you must take to prevent comparing your life to others’.


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Until next time, keep following your feet!

6 thoughts on “Avoid the comparison game! | Episode 5”

  1. Absolutely true! This resonates with me a lot. I have found myself comparing my life to that of others but one thing I realised a while ago was that we all have different capacities and life journeys. Take for example, a small container and a large tank at the faucet, getting water at the same time, the small container is going to get filled up first, and the large tank might feel like it’s taking forever, however, both of those containers have different capacities.

    Although, comparison sometimes helps me to challenge myself to do more, however, I constantly remind myself anytime I start to get the negative vibes from comparing myself to others, that, my path is unique and my capacity is different. This helps me to have a grateful perspective for where my life is at the moment because, truth be told, even though others are better than you, YOU are better off than some others.

    1. Thanks, Tobi! I agree with you. And that’s such a powerful analogy. Our capacities are different. So very different.
      Thanks so much for listening!

  2. This is so timely for me. Great tups I like the part of calling people up to congratulate them once I start to feel jealous or envious. Being truly happy with people’s progress is the way to go.

  3. Yeah, I agree with Tobi! This podcast is timely and just as capacities are different so also is our individual journeys.. Moses began his ministry at 80 and for the next 40 years, he led a nation in transition…Jesus started his ministry at 30 and in the 3 years his earthly calling lasted he did so much miracles that all the books in the world could not contain them! We run different races with individual journeys, I guess…Well done REMI! God bless you

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